SwedenBlekinge CountyBLEKINGE COUNTY tourist attractions+23 attractions Blekinge county tourist mapSee on the mapBlekinge county most popular citiesSee all cities+Karlskrona+16attractions +Karlshamn+6attractions +Sölvesborg+1attraction Blekinge county the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenMarine Museumnumber 1 in the cityKARLSHAMNSwedenCreative Science Centernumber 3 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenBlekinge Museumnumber 12 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenRepslagarbanannumber 3 in the cityKARLSHAMNSwedenSkottsbergska gårdennumber 4 in the cityKARLSHAMNSwedenKarlshamns Museumnumber 6 in the cityKARLSHAMNSwedenKarlshamn Maritime Museumnumber 1 in the citySÖLVESBORGSwedenFisheries Museumnumber 16 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenAlbinsson & SjöbergChurchesShow allnumber 5 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenFrederick's Churchnumber 13 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenThe Trinity Churchnumber 5 in the cityKARLSHAMNSwedenCarl Gustaf's Churchnumber 14 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenAdmiralty ChurchFortressesShow allnumber 7 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenBastion Auroranumber 8 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenBastion Kungshallnumber 2 in the cityKARLSHAMNSwedenCitadel Karlshamns KastellMonumentsShow allnumber 2 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenRosenbomnumber 10 in the cityKARLSKRONASwedenMonument Admiral Hans WachtmeisterOther categories:Parks