Most popular religious architecture SpainMajorca Religious architecture Majorca Religious architecture Majorca mapSee on the map Majorca religious architecture by popularity rating +PALMA DE MALLORCASpainPalma Cathedral+LLUCSpainSanctuary in Lluc+LLUCSpainBasilica of the Mother of God in Lluc+FELANITXSpainSanctuary of Sant Salvador+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainSant Francesc Church+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainLonja de Mallorca+ALCÚDIASpainChurch of St. Jaume+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainBasilica of Sant Miquel in Palma+SÓLLERSpainChurch of Sant Bartomeu+ARTÀSpainSaint Salvador Sanctuary+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainChapel of Saint Ana+MIRAMARSpainMonastery de Miramar+SpainChapel of Our Lady of Lluc+POLLENÇASpainSanctuary of Puig de Maria+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainChurch of Santa Eulalia+FELANITXSpainSant Miquel Church+PETRASpainLa Mare de Déu de Bonany Sanctuary+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainConvent of the Franciscans+MIRAMARSpainMiramar Chapel+ARTÀSpainChurch of the Transfiguration of the Lord+MANACORSpainChurch our Lady of Sorrows+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainSt. Nicholas Church+POLLENÇASpainChurch Santa Maria dels Àngels+PALMA DE MALLORCASpainChurch of Santa Cruz+VALLDEMOSSASpainChurch of the Cartuja See religious architecture in other regions Ibiza Majorca Menorca Other categories:BeachesMuseumsChurchesLookoutsGardensCastlesCavesPublic squaresSanctuariesBotanical GardensAnimalsMonasteriesLakesParksMonumentsAquariumsNatural history museums