Slovakia    Košice Region    Silická Jablonica    Slovenský Kras National Park
number 1 in the city

Slovenský Kras National Park

Local name: Národný park Slovenský Kras

The Slovak Karst National Park is located in southeastern Slovakia, near the border with Hungary. It covers the Slovak part of the largest karst area in Central Europe. The region of the Slovak Karst and the Hungarian Aggtelek are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List (cross-border entry). There are over 1000 caves in the limestone rocks. The beautiful karst gorges are also an attraction.

The region of the Slovak Karst is part of a much larger area, a large part of which is on the Hungarian side. The National Park, in addition to being on the UNESCO list, is also an UNESCO International Biosphere Reserve.

The landscape of the Slovak Karst National Park is a vast plateau that does not exceed 800 m above sea level. It is cut by deep, karst gorges. Some of them have picturesque tourist routes. The park's biggest attractions are Domica and Gombasecka Caves and Zadielska tiesnava gorge.


Attractions inside

    Slovenský Kras National Park map
    Silická Jablonica , Slovakia