RomaniaCaraș-SeverinReșițaREȘIȚA tourist attractions+2 attractions Reșița tourist mapSee on the mapReșița top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityREȘIȚARomaniaMuseum of Steam Locomotives Reșițanr 2 in the cityREȘIȚARomaniaMountainous Banat MuseumReșița Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaBigăr waterfallnr 2 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaDomogled-Valea Cernei National Parknr 3 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaStatue of Herculesnr 1 in the cityCARANSEBEȘRomaniaCheile Nerei National Park - Beușnițanr 2 in the cityCARANSEBEȘRomaniaSemenic-Caraș Gorge National Parknr 1 in the cityVRŠACSerbiaVršac Castlenr 2 in the cityVRŠACSerbiaCity Parknr 4 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaBeușnița waterfallnr 5 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaVenera Thermal Bathsnr 1 in the cityORAVIȚARomaniaMihai Eminescu Theaternr 6 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaNeptun Bathhousenr 7 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaLa Văioaga Waterfallnr 3 in the cityVRŠACSerbiaChurch of St. Gerhardnr 4 in the cityVRŠACSerbiaMesić Monasterynr 5 in the cityVRŠACSerbiaVršac City Museumnr 1 in the cityLUGOJRomaniaIron Bridgenr 8 in the cityBĂILE HERCULANERomaniaOchiul Beiului Lakenr 1 in the citySASCA MONTANĂRomaniaTunnelnr 6 in the cityVRŠACSerbiaBishop's Palace of the Banat Eparchynr 2 in the citySASCA MONTANĂRomaniaNera Monastery