RomaniaVasluiHorgaHORGA tourist attractions+1 attraction Horga tourist mapSee on the mapHorga top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityHORGARomaniaBujoreni MonasteryOther categories:MonasteriesChurchesHorga Popular in the area(distance from city center)nr 1 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaBârlad Zoonr 1 in the cityVASLUIRomaniaStephen the Great 's monumentnr 2 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaVasile Pârvan Bârlad Museumnr 1 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaHuși Cathedralnr 2 in the cityVASLUIRomaniaCeltefan cel Mare Museumnr 1 in the cityARGEARomaniaSihastru Monasterynr 3 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaOrthodox Church of St. Elijahnr 1 in the cityGRĂJDENIRomaniaGrăjdeni Monasterynr 2 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSchimbarea la Față Monasterynr 3 in the cityVASLUIRomaniaChurch of the Assumptionnr 3 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSt. George Churchnr 4 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaSt. George's Orthodox Churchnr 4 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaDiocesan Museumnr 1 in the cityFÂSTÂCIRomaniaFâstâci Monasterynr 5 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaSturdza Housenr 5 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSfinții Voievozi Churchnr 1 in the cityTOFLEARomaniaToflea Monasterynr 1 in the citySUHURLUIRomaniaRural House Ion Avram Dunăreanunr 6 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSt. Dmitri Churchnr 7 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaMunicipal Museum of Huși