RomaniaVasluiVASLUI tourist attractions+20 attractions Vaslui tourist mapSee on the mapVaslui most popular citiesSee all cities+Bârlad+6attractions +Vaslui+3attractions +Horga+1attraction +Huși+7attractions +Grăjdeni+1attraction +Fâstâci+1attraction +Emil Racoviță+1attraction Vaslui the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityHORGARomaniaBujoreni Monasterynumber 1 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaHuși Cathedralnumber 3 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaOrthodox Church of St. Elijahnumber 1 in the cityGRĂJDENIRomaniaGrăjdeni Monasterynumber 2 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSchimbarea la Față Monasterynumber 3 in the cityVASLUIRomaniaChurch of the Assumptionnumber 3 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSt. George Churchnumber 4 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaSt. George's Orthodox Churchnumber 1 in the cityFÂSTÂCIRomaniaFâstâci Monasterynumber 5 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSfinții Voievozi ChurchMuseumsShow allnumber 2 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaVasile Pârvan Bârlad Museumnumber 2 in the cityVASLUIRomaniaCeltefan cel Mare Museumnumber 4 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaDiocesan Museumnumber 5 in the cityBÂRLADRomaniaSturdza Housenumber 1 in the cityEMIL RACOVIȚĂRomaniaEmil Racoviță Memorial Housenumber 7 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaMunicipal Museum of HușiMonasteriesShow allnumber 1 in the cityHORGARomaniaBujoreni Monasterynumber 1 in the cityGRĂJDENIRomaniaGrăjdeni Monasterynumber 2 in the cityHUȘIRomaniaSchimbarea la Față Monasterynumber 1 in the cityFÂSTÂCIRomaniaFâstâci MonasteryOther categories:Natural history museumsAnimalsMonuments