RomaniaGalațiGALAȚI tourist attractions+20 attractions Galați tourist mapSee on the mapGalați most popular citiesSee all cities+Galati+17attractions +Costache Negri+1attraction +Toflea+1attraction +Suhurlui+1attraction Galați the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 4 in the cityGALATIRomaniaMuseum of Natural Sciences Răsvan Angheluţănumber 7 in the cityGALATIRomaniaPaul Păltănea History Museumnumber 8 in the cityGALATIRomaniaCuza Voda House Museumnumber 12 in the cityGALATIRomaniaCasa Colecțiilor Museumnumber 1 in the cityCOSTACHE NEGRIRomaniaCostache Negri Memorial Housenumber 1 in the citySUHURLUIRomaniaRural House Ion Avram Dunăreanunumber 17 in the cityGALATIRomaniaMuseum of Visual ArtsChurchesShow allnumber 6 in the cityGALATIRomaniaPrecista fortified churchnumber 11 in the cityGALATIRomaniaChurch of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabrielnumber 13 in the cityGALATIRomaniaSt. Nicholas Churchnumber 15 in the cityGALATIRomaniaGreek Orthodox Churchnumber 1 in the cityTOFLEARomaniaToflea MonasteryGardensShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityGALATIRomaniaPublic Gardennumber 2 in the cityGALATIRomaniaBotanical Garden+2attractions inside number 14 in the cityGALATIRomaniaJapanese GardenParksShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityGALATIRomaniaPublic Gardennumber 9 in the cityGALATIRomaniaMihai Eminescu ParkBotanical GardensShow allnumber 2 in the cityGALATIRomaniaBotanical Garden+2attractions inside number 14 in the cityGALATIRomaniaJapanese GardenOther categories:Natural history museumsMonasteriesBeachesLakesFountainsLookouts