Parish Church of Sts. Nicholas is a one-nave construction, entirely made of larch wood, in the Baroque style. Nawa is preceded by a historic porch, while on the roof stands a turret. Especially noteworthy is the main altar, also the baroque, richly decorated. In the surrounding church the garden grows oak planted memory St. Adalbert.
This building was built during the renovation of a nearby collegiate church - to provide parishioners with a place for prayer. The temple served as a parish church from 1761 to 1818. On the walls you can admire coffin paintings from the 18th century. Near the church is a brick belfry.
The living cult of the first Polish martyr - St. Wojciech in Tum is the result of an historic missionary visit, which, along with the clergy group, followed a holy mission to the heathen tribe of Prussia. In 1999 Gniezno relics were brought from St. Gniezno. Wojciech and the commemoration of this event were commemorated oak.
Attractions inside