The castle in Krąg is picturesquely located on Lake Zamkowy. The medieval, knightly building rebuilt in subsequent centuries is now used for the needs of the hotel. It consists of a rectangular main body flanked by round towers and renaissance wings with nicely finished gables.
The castle belonged for centuries to the knightly family of Podewils. The name of the hotel operating here refers to their name. The original stronghold was a medieval castle with a high tower. In the following centuries it was rebuilt into a residence by adding Renaissance, Baroque, and neo-Renaissance elements in the 19th century. The resulting building is considered by many to be the most beautiful knight's castle in Pomerania.
At the beginning of the 1990s, the ruined castle was bought by a private investor who renovated it and allocated it to a hotel. The nineteenth century appearance of the building has been preserved with several parts differing in style. The hotel has its own beach and bathing jetties.
Attractions inside