Darłowo enjoys the reputation of the pearl of Pomeranian architecture, the beautiful Old Market deserves special attention. He preserved his medieval urban layout. On three sides, it is surrounded by picturesque and neat houses, built in the Baroque-Classicist style. In the western frontage there is a baroque town hall decorated with a portal with the city's coat of arms, on which a griffin with a fish tail is visible. The building was built on a rectangular plan, in the place where formerly the market halls were.
In front of the town hall stands the famous Fisherman Monument. It was built in 1919 in honor of the sea. The pedestal on which Rybak stands is surrounded by four boards, which illustrate the history of Darłowo in a vivid way. The first one depicts a knight pointing to the area where the city is located, as well as a scribe and workers digging a moat. The second shows dockers working on the loading of the sailing ship. The third Hanseatic kang drifting in the Pomeranian waves, and the fourth shepherd guarding the flock of sheep and the woman grazing geese.
Attractions inside