Poland    West Pomerania    Kołobrzeg    "Bastion" Military Attraction Center
number 17 in the city

"Bastion" Military Attraction Center

Local name: Centrum Atrakcji Wojskowych Bastion

By the national road no. 11 on the front of Kołobrzeg (Koszalin direction) there is the Center of Military Attractions Bastion. This place is a dream place for military lovers. There is a training ground in the center where you can ride a tank, an armored vehicle or an amphibious vehicle. The area is vast and in a realistic way imitates the conditions in which soldiers are staying.

In the Bastion's Military Attractions Center you will find equipment related to the combat formations of many armies, from weapons, through uniforms to mechanized equipment. There is also a sports shooting range where you can fight in the competition for the accuracy of the shot. You can also take part in training on the metal detector or throwing a grenade. The Military Attractions Center of the Bastion organizes many events, the theme of which is the military. After a successful day full of attractions, you can take advantage of the military cuisine and try the soldier's food.


Attractions inside