Basilica Minor of St. Erasmus and St. Pancras
Local name: Bazylika Mniejsza śś. Erazma i Pankracego
The Gothic, three-nave temple hides in its interior valuable equipment from the Renaissance and Baroque period. Particularly noteworthy is the richly decorated eighteenth-century altar, precious organs, 16th century pulpit, baptismal font, side altars, confessionals and decorated with various species of wood stalls.
The facade of the church attracts attention with stoneware details, best preserved in portals and window frames. There are two burial chapels in the church, as well as over 20 epitaphs and tombstones from the 16th and 18th centuries.
The basilica was built in the 14th century, but the present shape was obtained in the following centuries, and today it is the oldest and most important temple in Jelenia Góra. Gothic churches with cross-ribbed vaults, as well as ostentatious crowns of doors and windows, have been preserved in many rebuilt designs. The temple was devoted to patrons of Jelenia Gora.
Attractions inside