Large Church Breda - Our Dear Mother Church
Local name: Grote Kerk Breda - Onze Lieve Vrouwe Kerk Breda
The Main Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Breda is the most famous monument of this Dutch city. In the province of North Brabant, it is the only religious building built in the style of the Brabant Gothic style characteristic for this region, which has survived to our times. There are many valuable works of art inside. It is worth paying attention to the over 7-meter tomb of Engelbrecht I of Nassau and his family, as well as a unique collection of early Renaissance epitaphs and paintings.
The first records mentioning the church in Breda come from 1269, so the building is almost 750 years old. Its most characteristic part is the 97-meter tower towering over the city. The heyday of the temple fell on the first half of the 16th century - it then became the main religious building in Breda. Later, it passed into the hands of Catholics or Protestants, and served as a place for the stationing of French troops. The complete reconstruction of the temple, which restored its condition from the years of greatest splendor, ended in 1998.
Attractions inside