Palace of the Grand Master, i.e. the palace of the Grand Master (or Grand Masters) of the Order of Saint. John was founded in 1571 and served the ruling Knights of Malta for over 200 years. From 1800 to the second half of the 20th century, he was occupied by subsequent British governors of the Maltese Islands. Currently, the palace is the official seat of the President of Malta. The main attraction for visitors is the palace armory.
Joannites placed their arsenal in the Grand Master's Palace in 1604, in a room at the back of the building. It gathered complete armament for several thousand soldiers. Only part of the former collection has survived to this day - the most valuable objects were lost during the French occupation in 1798-1800. Currently, the greatest historical value have armor and melee weapons of the Knights of St. John from the 16th and 17th centuries.
Attractions inside