MaltaCominoThe most interesting citiesComino the most interesting cities+1 City +1Ghajnsielem+13 attractions See the cityTOPnumber 1 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaBlue LagoonTOPnumber 2 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaCrystal LagoonTOPnumber 3 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaSanta Maria BayTOPnumber 4 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaSanta Maria CavesTOPnumber 5 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaChurch of Our Lady of LoretoTOPnumber 6 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaSt. Mary's TowerTOPnumber 7 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaSan Niklaw BayTOPnumber 8 in the cityGHAJNSIELEMMaltaFort Chambray