IrelandDonegalMalin HeadMALIN HEAD tourist attractions+1 attraction Malin Head tourist mapSee on the mapMalin Head top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityMALIN HEADIrelandMalin HeadMalin Head Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityBUSHMILLSUnited KingdomGiant's Causewaynr 2 in the cityBUSHMILLSUnited KingdomDunluce CastleTOPnr 1 in the cityLETTERKENNYIrelandGlenveagh National Parknr 2 in the cityLETTERKENNYIrelandFanad Head Lighthousenr 1 in the cityDUNREE HEADIrelandFort Dunreenr 1 in the cityBURTIrelandGrianan of Aileachnr 1 in the cityLAGACURRYIrelandDoagh Famine Villagenr 3 in the cityLETTERKENNYIrelandTropical Worldnr 1 in the cityCLONMANYIrelandGlenevin Waterfallnr 1 in the cityCULDAFFIrelandCuldaff Beachnr 1 in the cityBALLYHILLINIrelandHell's Holenr 1 in the cityCASTLEDOEIrelandDoe Castlenr 1 in the cityTHE CASTLESIrelandCarrickabraghy Castlenr 1 in the cityDUNLEWEYIrelandErrigalnr 1 in the cityCHURCH HILLIrelandGlebe House & Gallerynr 1 in the cityBUNCRANAIrelandNed's Point Fortnr 1 in the cityBALLYLIFFINIrelandPollan Beachnr 4 in the cityLETTERKENNYIrelandDonegal County Museum