Germany    Bavaria    Munich    Museum Five Continents
number 51 in the city

Museum Five Continents

Local name: Museum Fünf Kontinente

The Munich Museum of the Five Continents is a museum of non-European works of art and objects of cultural value. The first collectors of items outside Europe were members of the Wittelsbach dynasty. Today, the museum is the second largest ethnographic museum in Germany, with a collection of 200,000 objects.

The Museum of Five Continents was opened here in 1868. North America is represented by Indian teepees, the oldest kayak, masks of the Northwestern Indian coast, wooden bird masks and decorated moccasins. South America is ceramics, items made of gold, silver and wood, as well as war figures, masks and jewelry.

Africa is, among others sculptures, weapons, jewelry, silver handicrafts. Islamic Orient is represented by religious objects, calligraphy, floral and geometric ornaments. South Asia is, among others colorful Indian deities, East Asia - imperial pagodas, and Oceania - Polynesian deities, Melanesian oars.


Attractions inside

    Museum Five Continents map
    Maximilianstraße 4280538 Munich , Germany