The Zoological Museum presents specimens of various animals on an area of over two thousand square meters. There are ungulates, insects and birds from around the world, and even the Antja walrus from the Hagenbeck zoo.
The museum exhibition comprises over ten million scientific objects divided into sections.
The first collection is about arachnology and presents almost 9,000 species, mainly spiders. It is one of the largest exhibitions of this type in Europe.
The next part of the exhibition presents entomology. Among the objects presented on it are, among others, plants and animals that destroy fabrics.
The museum also has a herpetological collection showing mainly skin samples and dried skeletons of reptiles and amphibians, and a malacological collection, numbering about 10,000 species of molluscs.
The ichthyological exhibition presents about 25% of all known fish in the world - the oldest object dates from 1838.
The facility's collection also includes preparations representing embryos and organs that are part of the mammalogy and paleoanthropology exhibition, as well as ornithological, invertebrate, mineral and paleontological collections.