Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is the main temple of the Orthodox church in France. It is a nineteenth century building in the Ruthenian-Byzantine style, with a three-tower facade and apses closing all the naves. The interior consists of a lower and upper church. It is richly decorated with polychromes.
The church was built in the mid-nineteenth century for the Russian, Bulgarian and Greek communities in France. Its architects were members of the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, Roman Kuźmin and Ivan Strohm. The temple was built on a Greek cross plan. It has 5 gilded domes symbolizing Christ and 4 Evangelists. The highest of them is 48 meters high. The facade consists of three polygonal towers topped with sloping roofs. Above the entrance there is a mosaic depicting Christ on the Throne.
The interior of the cathedral is divided into the main church - upper and lower, located in the basement. Their interiors are decorated with polychrome in the Byzantine-Russian style. You can also see copies of Russian icons, including the Holy Trinity Adrian Rublev and the icon of Alexander Nevsky from the cathedral in St. Petersburg.
Attractions inside