St. Patrick's Cathedral Cyril and Methodius (Grkokatolička concathedral Sv. Ćiril i methods) in Zagreb was built in 1883-1886, famous for its valuable paintings painted by Ivan Tišov and icons by the Ukrainian painter Epiminondas Buchevski.
There are three bells in the church belfry: bell of st. Cyril and Methodius, who weighs 782 kilograms, and two smaller - the Holy Virgin (less than 400 kg) and Saint. St. Basil's Cathedral (approx. 230 kg).
The cathedral was designed by the famous architect Hermann Bollé, it represents the features of the trend called historicism in architecture. Elements of the stone facade of the building refer to the style of different eras.
The church was built in the place where once stood a chapel dedicated to St. Wasylowi. During the so-called of a huge earthquake in Zagreb, it was completely destroyed.