Croatia    Šibenik-Knin County    Ivoševci    Burnum Amphitheater
number 2 in the city

Burnum Amphitheater

Local name: Amfiteatar Burnum

The amphitheater located in the former Roman military camp Burnum is the only military theater in Croatia. Excavations and archeological works are still ongoing here - the amphitheater is excavated and reconstructed. It was built at the beginning of the 1st century AD. You can also see the remains of several buildings serving military purposes.

All items found here (weapons, tools, dishes, coins) are presented at the Archaeological Museum. Camp Burnum itself was the seat of the legion of the 11th Roman army Claudiae Piae Fidelis and the 4th legion Flaviae Felix. It was built to guard the border crossing over the Krka River. The amphitheater and the remains of the camp are located in the Krka National Park, far from the main attractions. That is why it is not included in the organized tour program.


Attractions inside

    Burnum Amphitheater map
    D59 22305 Ivoševci , Croatia