Most popular protected areas United KingdomScotland Protected areas Scotland Protected areas Scotland mapSee on the map Scotland protected areas by popularity rating +BALLOCHUnited KingdomLoch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park+GRANTOWN ON SPEYUnited KingdomCairngorms National Park+EAST LOMONDUnited KingdomLomond Hills Regional Park+GLASGOWUnited KingdomSeven Lochs Wetland Park+KINROSSUnited KingdomLoch Leven National Nature Reserve See protected areas in other regions England Scotland Wales Other categories:MuseumsParksCastlesGardensMonumentsChurchesLookoutsMilitary museumsAnimalsNatural history museumsArt galleriesCathedralsBotanical GardensAquariumsPalaces