number 104 in the city
LONDONUnited Kingdom

Osterley Park

Osterley Park is a residence located in the center of a large park of the same name. Although it is located in London, it represents a characteristic type of wealthy country houses - it was built when it was still a rural area. Both the interior and the park are open to the public. There is also a restaurant and a spacious playground for children.

The house was built in the 1770s by banker Sir Thomas Gresham. Elżbieta I Tudor herself visited him at the time. Over the next centuries, the residence changed owners several times, and finally in 1991 it was taken over by the National Trust.

In Osterley Park, scenes were shot for many TV series, including "Saint" with Roger Moor, "Hotel Bertram" and "Horrible stories". Inside the residence there were also pictures for the film about Batman "The Dark Knight Rises" and the film "Top secret" with Val Kilmer.


Attractions inside

    Osterley Park map
    Jersey Road TW7 4RB London , United Kingdom