Most popular murals Most popular murals Murals mapSee on the map+BÂRSANARomaniaBârsana Monastery+SANTIAGOChileGraffiti in Barrio Bellavista+ALASSIOItalyWall of Alassio+SUCEVIȚARomaniaSuceviţa Monastery+KOPERSloveniaHoly Trinity Church+BERLINGermanyEast Side Gallery+MĂNĂSTIREA HUMORULUIRomaniaHumor Monastery+LYONFranceMural Canuts+PARISFranceThe Wall of I love you+DRESDENGermanyPrince's Procession+PISAItalyTuttomondo by Keith Haring+ROMANII DE JOSRomaniaChurch of Saints Constantine and Helena+GERNIKASpainMural of Picasso's "Guernica"+MÂNĂSTIREA NEAMȚRomaniaChurch of the Ascension of Christ+VILNIUSLithuaniaRepublic of Užupis+PROBOTARomaniaProbota Monastery+CĂCIULATARomaniaHoly Trinity Church+ARBORERomaniaArbore Church+VALPARAÍSOChilePasaje Gálvez Valparaíso+STEIN AM RHEINSwitzerlandHouses Painted with Frescoes+LISBONPortugalCaracol da Graca+IEUDRomaniaUphill wooden church of the Nativity of Mary+DÂRJIURomaniaDârjiu fortified church+CHARTRESFranceBel Air Frescoes+ZIPAQUIRÁColombiaEgan Bernal Mural+AUGSBURGGermanyWeber House+POZNAŃPolandŚródka Mural+POIENILE IZEIRomaniaSt. Parascheva Church+DESEȘTIRomaniaSt. Parascheva Church+ȘIȘEȘTIRomaniaChurch of the Holy Archangels Michael and GabrielRanking - murals ChileShow all+number 13 in the citySANTIAGOChileGraffiti in Barrio Bellavista+number 23 in the cityVALPARAÍSOChilePasaje Gálvez ValparaísoRanking - murals ColombiaShow all+number 3 in the cityZIPAQUIRÁColombiaEgan Bernal MuralRanking - murals FranceShow all+number 9 in the cityLYONFranceMural Canuts+number 69 in the cityPARISFranceThe Wall of I love you+number 7 in the cityCHARTRESFranceBel Air Frescoes+number 12 in the cityCANNESFranceMuralRanking - murals GermanyShow all+TOPnumber 40 in the cityBERLINGermanyEast Side Gallery+TOPnumber 16 in the cityDRESDENGermanyPrince's Procession+number 20 in the cityAUGSBURGGermanyWeber House+number 23 in the cityMAGDEBURGGermanyOtto-Richter-Straße+number 12 in the cityCOTTBUSGermanyMosaic "Cottbus Farmers Market"Ranking - murals ItalyShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityALASSIOItalyWall of Alassio+number 13 in the cityPISAItalyTuttomondo by Keith HaringRanking - murals LithuaniaShow all+number 63 in the cityVILNIUSLithuaniaRepublic of UžupisRanking - murals PolandShow all+number 39 in the cityPOZNAŃPolandŚródka MuralRanking - murals PortugalShow all+number 137 in the cityLISBONPortugalCaracol da GracaRanking - murals RomaniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityBÂRSANARomaniaBârsana Monastery+TOPnumber 1 in the citySUCEVIȚARomaniaSuceviţa Monastery+TOPnumber 1 in the cityMĂNĂSTIREA HUMORULUIRomaniaHumor Monastery+number 1 in the cityROMANII DE JOSRomaniaChurch of Saints Constantine and Helena+number 2 in the cityMÂNĂSTIREA NEAMȚRomaniaChurch of the Ascension of Christ+number 1 in the cityPROBOTARomaniaProbota Monastery+number 2 in the cityCĂCIULATARomaniaHoly Trinity Church+number 1 in the cityARBORERomaniaArbore Church+number 1 in the cityIEUDRomaniaUphill wooden church of the Nativity of Mary+number 1 in the cityDÂRJIURomaniaDârjiu fortified churchRanking - murals SerbiaShow all+number 86 in the cityBELGRADESerbiaGallery of FrescoesRanking - murals SlovakiaShow all+number 7 in the cityPOPRADSlovakiaRed army mosaicRanking - murals SloveniaShow all+TOPnumber 1 in the cityKOPERSloveniaHoly Trinity ChurchRanking - murals SpainShow all+number 5 in the cityGERNIKASpainMural of Picasso's "Guernica"Ranking - murals SwitzerlandShow all+number 1 in the citySTEIN AM RHEINSwitzerlandHouses Painted with Frescoes+number 3 in the citySCHAFFHAUSENSwitzerlandKnight's HouseOther categories:WaterfallsLakesCavesGorgesLookoutsGondola liftsAncient templesPyramidsMegalithsMilitary museumsAnimalsBeachesBoardwalksParksStreetsCathedralsPublic squaresMonumentsCastlesFortressesAquariumsNatural history museumsFunicularsPalacesGardensMuseumsArt galleriesFountainsBotanical GardensTreasuriesChurchesMonasteriesPoolsWater parksBathsMinesNarrow gauge railwaysBridgesSanctuaries