SpainExtremaduraTrujilloTRUJILLO tourist attractions+4 attractions Trujillo tourist mapSee on the mapTrujillo top attractions Show allTOPnr 1 in the cityTRUJILLOSpainTrujillo Main Squarenr 2 in the cityTRUJILLOSpainTrujillo Castlenr 3 in the cityTRUJILLOSpainChurch of Santa María la Mayornr 4 in the cityTRUJILLOSpainChurch of San MartínOther categories:CastlesPublic squaresTrujillo Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityGUADALUPESpainMonastery of Our Lady of GuadalupeTOPnr 1 in the cityCÁCERESSpainMonfragüe National Parknr 1 in the cityPLASENCIASpainPlasencia Cathedral+1Attraction inside nr 2 in the cityCÁCERESSpainLlanos de Cáceres and Sierra de Fuentes Regionnr 3 in the cityCÁCERESSpainPaseo de Cánovasnr 9 in the cityMÉRIDASpainCornalvo Natural Parknr 4 in the cityCÁCERESSpainCáceres Museumnr 5 in the cityCÁCERESSpainCathedral of Santa María de Caceresnr 1 in the cityMONTÁNCHEZSpainCastle of Montáncheznr 1 in the cityTORREJÓN EL RUBIOSpainMonfragüe Castlenr 2 in the cityPLASENCIASpainOld Cathedral of Plasencia+1Attraction inside nr 6 in the cityCÁCERESSpainBujaco Towernr 7 in the cityCÁCERESSpainCarvajal Palacenr 8 in the cityCÁCERESSpainPríncipe Parknr 3 in the cityPLASENCIASpainOld Cathedral Monasterynr 9 in the cityCÁCERESSpainSanctuary of Our Lady the Virgin of the Mountainnr 10 in the cityCÁCERESSpainMain Squarenr 11 in the cityCÁCERESSpainRodeo Park