Most popular churches SpainCastile and León Churches Castile and león Churches Castile and León mapSee on the map Castile and león churches by popularity rating +BURGOSSpainBurgos cathedral+SEGOVIASpainSegovia Cathedral+SALAMANCASpainSalamanca Cathedral+VALLADOLIDSpainValladolid Cathedral+ZAMORASpainZamora Cathedral+ASTORGASpainCathedral of Santa María de Astorga+PALENCIASpainSaint Antoninus Cathedral+VALLADOLIDSpainChurch of San Pablo+BURGO DE OSMA-CIUDAD DE OSMASpainCathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin+SORIASpainHermitage of San Saturio+SORIASpainChurch of Santo Domingo+TOROSpainCollegiate Church of Santa María La Mayor de Toro+SORIASpainCo-Cathedral of San Pedro de Soria+VALLADOLIDSpainChurch of Saint Mary the Ancient+ARANDA DE DUEROSpainChurch of Santa María La Real+SEGOVIASpainChurch of San Millán+SALAMANCASpainChurch of the Immaculate+ZAMORASpainChurch of Saint Peter and Ildefons+SALAMANCASpainSan Marcos Church+VALLADOLIDSpainChurch of Santa Vera Cruz+BURGOSSpainChurch of San Lesmes Abad+SEGOVIASpainChurch of the True Cross+ZAMORASpainSaint Mary Magdalene Church+ZAMORASpainChurch of Saint John+VALLADOLIDSpainChurch of Santiago Apóstol+SEGOVIASpainChurch of San Martín+SALAMANCASpainChurch of La Clerecía+SORIASpainChurch of San Juan de Rabanera+BURGOSSpainChurch of St. Cosmas and Damian+CUÉLLARSpainSt. Andrew's Church See churches in other regions Andalusia Aragon Asturias Balearic Islands Basque Country Canary Islands Cantabria Castile and León Castile-La Mancha Catalonia Community of Madrid Extremadura Galicia La Rioja Navarre Region of Murcia Valencian Community Other categories:MuseumsCastlesMonasteriesParksCathedralsLookoutsPublic squaresMonumentsPalacesBridgesFountainsLakesGardensMilitary museumsNatural history museumsWaterfallsSanctuaries