The Olympic Park is located on the slopes of Montjuic. It includes, among others, the Olympic Stadium, a sports and entertainment hall called the Saint George's Palace, the Telecommunications Tower and Plac Unii.
The park is a symbol of modern Barcelona. It was created at the turn of the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century. It used the old stadium from 1929, which was given new shapes. In front of the stadium there is Square of Europe with cascading fountains. There is also a Telecommunications Tower which is also a giant gnomon. Created by Valencian Santiego Calatravo is one of Barcelona's most recognizable modern facilities.
The Olympic complex also includes a hall resembling a flying saucer, Saint George's Palace. Dozens of concrete columns with metal rings are standing in front of it. There are lawns and groves around the Olympic facilities. Some of them are unfortunately heavily damaged.
Attractions inside