Spain    Catalonia    Barcelona    Gardens of Can Sentmenat
number 209 in the city

Gardens of Can Sentmenat

Local name: Jardins de Can Sentmenat

The Jardins de Can Sentmenat are beautiful gardens in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district of Barcelona, which were created in the 18th century around the Marquesas Palace. Visitors can see a series of sculptures depicting female figures, symbolizing the ancestral lines associated with the Sentmenat awnings. Among the vegetation, there are tall Washington palms from the Canary Islands, date palms and flowering bougainvillea.

The area in front of the palace's front facade is occupied by gardens designed in the French style. Their focal point is a pond surrounded by flowers, and the greenery is harmoniously composed of statues.

On the other side of the building, a romantic garden was arranged, an important element of which was an artificial waterfall. This part of the gardens was characterized by mystery, their area was directly connected with the forest.

The gardens were opened to the public in 1995, following the completion of renovation works led by Patrizia Falcone.


Attractions inside

    Gardens of Can Sentmenat map
    Carrer de Can Caralleu 1408017 Barcelona , Spain