The Old Town in Žilina centers around Mariánské square, which is also called the market square. It is a square square surrounded by similar tenement houses. Many of them have Renaissance and Baroque facades. The fountain and the Marian Column from the 18th century occupy the central part of the market.
The market was marked out in the Middle Ages during the city's location. The tenement houses here today come mainly from the 17th and 18th centuries. Although many of them have preserved the original Renaissance and Baroque façades with arcades, there are also rebuilt in the modern style and contemporary building additions.
The market square also has a church of St. Paweł with a two-tower facade. Around the square there are many restaurants and cafes. In the summer, café gardens are laid out. In the center stands a fountain with figurines of three angels playing musical instruments and a column with a sculpture of the Virgin Mary.
Attractions inside