Slovakia    Prešov Region    Vysoké Tatry    Belianske tatras
number 15 in the city

Belianske tatras

Local name: Belianske Tatry

Belianske Tatras are the easternmost part of the Tatras. They stand perpendicular to the main Tatra ridge. They reach a height of 2,152 m above sea level. Their highest peak is Havran. Belianske Tatras are quite poorly accessible to tourists. There are only a few hiking trails here.

Belianske Tatras are very well visible from various places in Poland and Slovakia. They form a picturesque crest with climaxes in Havran, Murań, Weeping Rock and Nowy Wierch. None of the peaks of this part of the Tatra Mountains is accessible to tourists via trails. Only climbing in the company of high mountain guides, with full climbing equipment, is possible.

Tourist routes in the area of the Belianske Tatras lead to Szeroka Przełęcz and Przełęcz pod Kopą from Łysa Polana and Dolina to Regla.


Attractions inside

    Belianske tatras map
    059 60 Vysoké Tatry , Slovakia