The defensive church was built in the 13th century in place of the previous, Romanesque basilica dated to the 12th century. The fortified temple is additionally surrounded by a defensive wall with two towers, two towers and a gate tower. The entire complex with the surrounding village has been inscribed on the list of national monuments and UNESCO World Heritage List.
The church is the best preserved and the strongest medieval church fortress in Eastern Europe. It was built by the Teutonic Order, which received permission to settle in these lands from the Hungarian king Andrew II. Then the temple was taken over by the Saxon community living in Transylvania. After the reformation period, the temple was transformed
from Roman Catholic to Lutheran.
The church has the oldest triptych in the province. It is dated to the mid-15th century. It consists of a main panel and two side panels depicting scenes from the Passion, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.
Attractions inside