RomaniaDâmbovițaDÂMBOVIȚA tourist attractions+27 attractions Dâmbovița tourist mapSee on the mapDâmbovița most popular citiesSee all cities+Moroeni+9attractions +Targoviste+15attractions +Viforâta+1attraction +Bușteni+2attractions Dâmbovița the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 3 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaRoyal Court of Târgoviștenumber 6 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaHistory Museumnumber 7 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaArt Museumnumber 8 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaNational Museum of the Romanian Policenumber 10 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaMuseum of Printing and Old Romanian Booksnumber 14 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaDâmbovița Writer Museumnumber 15 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaAtelier Vasile Blendea HouseChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityVIFORÂTARomaniaDealu Monasterynumber 4 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaStelea Monasterynumber 9 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaTârgului Churchnumber 11 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaPrincely Churchnumber 12 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaSt. Nicholas Churchnumber 13 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaChurch of Sts. Constantine and ElenaGondola liftsShow allnumber 6 in the cityMOROENIRomaniaPestera cable carnumber 9 in the cityMOROENIRomaniaBabele cable carMonasteriesShow allnumber 1 in the cityVIFORÂTARomaniaDealu Monasterynumber 4 in the cityTARGOVISTERomaniaStelea MonasteryOther categories:LookoutsGorgesCavesLakesAnimals