Jeremi Wiśniowiecki crypt
Local name: Krypta Jeremiego Wiśniowieckiego
Below the monastery at Święty Krzyż (Holy Cross) there are crypts, where - through the ages - monks and people distinguished for their work for the monastery were buried. The most known person, that was buried here, was Prince Jeremi Wiśniowiecki. A crypt with his mummified corpse is open for visitors.
Prince Jeremi Wiśniowiecki was one of the most powerful borderland magnate in the seventeenth century. His victorious fights with Cossacks are now a part of the history. His son, Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, sat on the Polish throne as a successor of John III Sobieski.
Prince Jeremi died in 1751 due to the plague after Battle of Berestechko. Two years later his widow brought his body to the Święty Krzyż. It was laid down in Oleśniccy crypt, which in the beginning of the nineteenth century was walled up. It was opened again in 2007. Prince's body has been mummified. It was dressed in a clothing, that Andrzej Seweryn wore in the movie "With Fire and Sword" while playing Wiśniowiecki, and laid down in the crypt below the monastery. The copy of the painting "Battle of Berestechko" and weaponry from the times of Cossack revolts were placed on the walls.
Attractions inside