Ruins are standing on the bank of the Psarka valley. Until today, only fragments of walls with armorial cartouches and a couple of windows, together with a portal of an entrance gate remained. In the past, a castle belonged to the Cracovian bishops and was an abundant, repeatedly rebuilt residence.
A castle in Bodzentyn was built in XV century. It altered its shape several times in a hsitory, due to its owners, who were adjusting it to the changing architecture trends. It declined at the end of the nineteenth century, when occupying authorities destined it for a corn house. In 1900 was supposed to be disassembled, but Warsaw defenders of national relics effectively protested against it. There are legends, related to the castle, about a bishop’s prison existing here during Reformation times. Polish brethren and Calvinists were imprisoned there. Supposedly one of them was being starved by them until he ate his own books.
Nowadays, picturesque ruins are the main tourist attraction in the town. The preserved wall layout helps to imagine, how the castle once looked. It was built on a horseshoe plan with an inner courtyard. One can see a portal of an entrance gate, and above the windows there are places where bishops’ coat of arms used to be. Unfortunately, beyond them, there are only bare walls with remains of plaster.
Attractions inside