The main object of the park is the Baroque-Classical residence of the Count Feliks Antoni Łosia. The palace has the shape of a coat of arms of the Łosia - horseshoe, and includes a main building connected by arcades with two side pavilions. In front of the palace is a courtyard, and on the opposite side 18th-century Italian style park. Since 1995 the property is the seat of the "Pro Academia Narolense" founded by Ewa and Władysław Kłosiewicz. Its purpose is to renovate the palace and continue the tradition of the Countess of Los Angeles, an art school.
Impressive residence probably designed by Ferdinand Max was founded in 1773-1781. It was owned by, among others. Prince Juliana Puzyna and countess Jadwiga Korytowska. During the January Uprising and two world wars, the palace suffered a number of devastation and was plundered several times and burned in 1945. Partially rebuilt, for several decades he was going down.
Since 1995 the palace has survived the renaissance thanks to the Kłosiewicz state, who are trying to restore the former glory. There are, among others. concerts.
Attractions inside