Poland    West Pomerania    Kołobrzeg    Knight Academy
number 37 in the city

Knight Academy

Local name: Akademia Rycerska

The Knight's Academy was founded in 1654 in Kołobrzeg and was one of the first schools with a military profile in contemporary Europe. The historical building stands at Wąska Street in the central part of the city.

The building was constructed in a style that today is called the Florentine Renaissance. The walls are decorated with imitation of rock blocks. Two floors of light walls are covered by symmetrically arranged windows. The roof is crowned with an extensive and ornate cornice densely supported on architectural details in the form of triangular struts.

For a time, the academy lost the status of an officer's college and was called the School of Cadets, and after the dissolution of the institution became an arsenal. Today the building is a municipal sports hall.


Attractions inside