The Museum of Bee-keeping in Kluczbork deals with the collection of memorabilia concerning the land of Kligbork and objects related to beekeeping. These interests are related to the patron of the Museum of Fr. Jan Dzierżon, creator of modern beekeeping. The main exhibition presents beekeeping works from the earliest times to the present day. In the pavilion and garden of the museum there is also a display of figural hives and hives from different periods of time.
Patron of the establishment, priest Jan Dzierżon discovered how the bee family lived, which became the basis for the breeding of these beneficial insects. He was also the beehive designer, beekeeper of practice and popularizer of bee breeding. The museum in Kluczbork has its own collection of hives and equipment used to make honey and other bee products.
At the exhibition you can trace the development of apicultural techniques since ancient times. There are straw hollows, hollows, boxes, and especially carved ones, which have taken the form of small works of art.