Poland    Pomerania    Gdynia    EXPERYMENT Science Centre
number 19 in the city

EXPERYMENT Science Centre

Local name: Centrum Nauki EXPERYMENT

Gdynia center is dedicated primarily to children curious about the world, but they can also spend time here the whole family. This place, which aims to explore the world through play, they offer interactive exhibits, concentrated in four areas: Hydroświat, Tree of Life, Invisible Forces and the Action-Man. Each zone devoted to a different aspect of nature, life and human activity. During the tour you can build dams and dykes, see the world through the eyes of animals, feel the hard earthquake, to solve the riddle of gravity, magnetism, pressure, sound waves, and embark on a journey wgłęb human body and learn the processes it undergoes. For children from schools and kindergartens are organized interesting activities, and visiting the center you can see temporary exhibitions. The center is a fantastic world of scientific experiments allowing the self-discovery of the laws of physics and nature.


Attractions inside

    EXPERYMENT Science Centre map
    aleja Zwycięstwa 96/9881-451 Gdynia , Poland