NorwayRogalandLysebotnLYSEBOTN tourist attractions+3 attractions Lysebotn tourist mapSee on the mapLysebotn top attractions Show allTOPnr 1 in the cityLYSEBOTNNorwayLysefjordnr 2 in the cityLYSEBOTNNorwayKjeragboltennr 3 in the cityLYSEBOTNNorwayKjeragOther categories:LookoutsLysebotn Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the citySONGESANDNorwayPulpit rock+1Attraction inside TOPnr 1 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayOld StavangerTOPnr 1 in the cityHAFRSFJORDNorwaySword in MountainTOPnr 2 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayNorwegian Petroleum Museumnr 3 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayStavanger Cathedralnr 1 in the citySOLANorwaySola Beachnr 4 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayColor streetnr 1 in the cityTJØRHOMNorwaySirdal Ski Centernr 5 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayVåland Towernr 6 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayArchaeological Museumnr 7 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayNorwegian Canning Museumnr 1 in the cityTJELTANorwayHellestø beachnr 1 in the cityRANDABERGNorwayTungenes Lighthousenr 8 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayStavanger Maritime Museumnr 1 in the cityFLØYRLINorwayFlørli stairsnr 9 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayStavanger Museumnr 10 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayStavanger Art Museumnr 11 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayUllandhaugstårnet Towernr 12 in the citySTAVANGERNorwayThe Iron Age Farmnr 2 in the citySOLANorwaySola Aviation Museum