North MacedoniaPolog RegionPOLOG REGION tourist attractions+24 attractions Polog region tourist mapSee on the mapPolog region most popular citiesSee all cities+Mavrovo+5attractions +Rostusha+2attractions +Tetovo+8attractions +Zhuzhnje+1attraction +Leshok+1attraction +Bozovce+1attraction +Lavce+1attraction +Novo Selo+1attraction +Glogji+2attractions +Stenche+1attraction Polog region the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 3 in the cityMAVROVONorth MacedoniaOld Mavrovo Churchnumber 1 in the cityLESHOKNorth MacedoniaSt. Athanasius Churchnumber 4 in the cityTETOVONorth MacedoniaSts. Cyril and Methodius Cathedralnumber 6 in the cityTETOVONorth MacedoniaChurch of the Holy Mother of Godnumber 1 in the citySTENCHENorth MacedoniaSt. Elijah Churchnumber 4 in the cityMAVROVONorth MacedoniaSt. John the Baptist Churchnumber 1 in the cityMALA RECHICANorth MacedoniaSt. George Churchnumber 2 in the cityGLOGJINorth MacedoniaSt. Athanasius ChurchLookoutsShow allnumber 1 in the cityZHUZHNJENorth MacedoniaMount Korabnumber 1 in the cityBOZOVCENorth MacedoniaTitov Vrv Peaknumber 5 in the cityMAVROVONorth MacedoniaViewpoint of Mavrovo LakeMonasteriesShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityROSTUSHANorth MacedoniaSaint Jovan Bigorski Monasterynumber 2 in the cityTETOVONorth MacedoniaArabati Baba TekkeOther categories:WaterfallsMonumentsBridgesPublic squaresFortressesCathedrals