North MacedoniaPelagonia RegionPELAGONIA REGION tourist attractions+46 attractions Pelagonia region tourist mapSee on the mapPelagonia region most popular citiesSee all cities+Bitola+19attractions +Leskoec+1attraction +Prilep+8attractions +Nizhepole+1attraction +Krushevo+4attractions +Magarevo+3attractions +Zrze+1attraction +Konjsko+2attractions +Lavci+1attraction +Manastir+1attraction Pelagonia region the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesChurchesShow allnumber 6 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaSt. Gabriel the Archangel Churchnumber 4 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaOtrhodox Church of the Annunciationnumber 1 in the cityLAVCINorth MacedoniaOrthodox church st. Athanasius Greatnumber 9 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaOrthodox Church of Our Ladynumber 10 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaOrthodox church st. Dimitriosnumber 11 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaSt. Naum Churchnumber 5 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaSt. Demetrius Churchnumber 6 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaSt. Parascheva Churchnumber 1 in the cityMANASTIRNorth MacedoniaSt. Nicholas Churchnumber 1 in the cityCAPARINorth MacedoniaSt. Parascheva ChurchMuseumsShow allTOPnumber 2 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaMuseum of Bitolanumber 4 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaHeraclea Lyncestisnumber 1 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaToše Proeski Memorial Housenumber 2 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaIlindennumber 15 in the cityBITOLANorth MacedoniaGoce Delchev Memorial Museumnumber 4 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaMuseum of the National Liberation WarMonasteriesShow allnumber 2 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaTreskawec Monasterynumber 1 in the cityZRZENorth MacedoniaMonastery of the Holy Transfigurationnumber 3 in the cityPRILEPNorth MacedoniaMonastery of St. Archangel Michaelnumber 1 in the citySMILEVONorth MacedoniaSt. Peter and Paul MonasteryMonumentsShow allnumber 2 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaIlindennumber 3 in the cityKRUSHEVONorth MacedoniaMonument Nikola KarevLookoutsShow allnumber 2 in the cityMAGAREVONorth MacedoniaBaba peaknumber 1 in the cityKISHAVANorth MacedoniaVarnous PeakOther categories:LakesAnimals