MontenegroPodgorica MunicipalityPODGORICA MUNICIPALITY tourist attractions+16 attractions Podgorica municipality tourist mapSee on the mapPodgorica municipality most popular citiesSee all cities+Podgorica+13attractions +Rijeka Crnojevića+2attractions +Medun+1attraction Podgorica municipality the most interesting attractions divided into categoriesMuseumsShow allnumber 7 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroPetrović Palacenumber 1 in the cityMEDUNMontenegroMedunnumber 11 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroNatural History Museum of MontenegroChurchesShow allnumber 1 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroCathedral of the Resurrection of Christnumber 6 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroSt George's ChurchBridgesShow allnumber 3 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroOld Bridge over the Ribnicanumber 9 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroMala Rijeka viaductLakesShow allTOPnumber 1 in the cityRIJEKA CRNOJEVIĆAMontenegroSkadar Lake National Parknumber 8 in the cityPODGORICAMontenegroBukumirsko LakeOther categories:PalacesMonasteriesWaterfallsNatural history museumsCathedrals