Malta    Malta Island    Marsaxlokk    Harbor Marsaxlokk
number 4 in the city

Harbor Marsaxlokk

Harbor Marsaxlokk is Malta's second largest port (after Grand Harbor). The biggest attractions of this place are a large number of traditional fishing boats, called luzzu and the Sunday fish market, where you can buy everything that can be caught in the sea. Numerous port bars and restaurants provide a wide range of seafood and fish dishes.

Luzzu are distinguished by their characteristic shape, bright colors, and above all the eyes painted on the bow. Apparently these are the eyes of ancient Egyptian deities - Horus and Osiris, that is, the god of heaven and the god of death and a revived life. According to another explanation, eye painting on boats is a Phoenician tradition. Boat owners believe that this is effective protection against evil powers.

Fishermen from Marsaxlokk supply most of the fish sold in Malta. The surrounding waters are also a paradise for anglers - you can fish literally anywhere, without any permits or fees. You can also take advantage of numerous coastal fishing trip offers and try fishing from a cutter or colorful luzzu.


Attractions inside

    Harbor Marsaxlokk map
    Triq it-8 ta' Mejju RGRW+CH Marsaxlokk , Malta