LithuaniaKlaipeda CountySauseriaiSAUSERIAI tourist attractions+1 attraction Sauseriai tourist mapSee on the mapSauseriai top attractions Show allnr 1 in the citySAUSERIAILithuaniaŠilpelkė TrailSauseriai Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaLithuanian Sea Museum+1Attraction inside TOPnr 1 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaTiškevičiai Palace Amber MuseumTOPnr 2 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaDolphinariumTOPnr 1 in the cityRADAILIAILithuaniaKlaipeda ZooTOPnr 3 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaTheater SquareTOPnr 4 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaMelnrage BeachTOPnr 5 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuaniaMelnrage Piernr 6 in the cityKŁAJPEDALithuania2 Melnrage Beachnr 1 in the cityPLOKŠČIAILithuaniaCold War Museumnr 2 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaBirutė Mountainnr 1 in the cityKRETYNGALithuaniaWinter Gardennr 3 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaPalanga Piernr 4 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaPalanga City Botanical Park+2attractions inside nr 1 in the cityPLUNGĖLithuaniaPlungė Park+2attractions inside nr 5 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaChurch of the Assumptionnr 2 in the cityPLUNGĖLithuaniaSamogitian Art Museumnr 1 in the cityPERVALKALithuaniaGrey Dunes+1Attraction inside nr 6 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaBeach Vanagupenr 7 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaŠventoji Beachnr 8 in the cityPOŁĄGALithuaniaJūratė and Kastytis