The lighthouse stands at the end of the promontory of the same name, on the border between the Gulf of Naples and the Gulf of Pozzuoli. It consists of a two-story lighthouse keeper's house and a white cylindrical tower with a gallery and a lantern, 3.7 m high. There are two walking routes leading to the lighthouse, from which you can observe the entire coast.
The first lighthouse was built on this site in 1869. At the end of World War II, in 1943, it was destroyed by German bombing. It was rebuilt ten years later. It is worth mentioning that the structure of the building has been completely rebuilt, therefore the current lighthouse is significantly different from the former.
The lighthouse is still actively used. It has been fully automated and is powered by photovoltaic panels. It is also equipped with an automatic identification system. Due to the fact that it is located at an altitude of 80 m above sea level, its light reaches up to 30 km.
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