Do you have photos of this attraction?Add the first photo and get an additional 2 points Germany Baden-Württemberg Pforzheim Museum of Jewelry and Watch Technology See attractions in PforzheimSee attractions in Pforzheimnumber 4 in the cityPFORZHEIMGermanyMuseum of Jewelry and Watch TechnologyLocal name: Technisches Museum der Schmuck- und UhrenindustrieLessAttractions insideFacilitiesIt may be closed due to COVID-19Complete opening hoursComplete price listMuseum of Jewelry and Watch Technology mapSEE ON THE MAP awaySee the distance and estimated time of arrivalBleichstraße 8175173 Pforzheim , GermanyWebsiteTags: Museums of technology Baden-Württemberg Museums of technology Germany Museums of technology in the world Museum of Jewelry and Watch Technology popular in the area(distance from the attraction)TOPnr 1 in the cityPFORZHEIMGermanyPforzheim ZooTOPnr 2 in the cityPFORZHEIMGermanyGasometer PforzheimTOPnr 1 in the cityMAULBRONNGermanyMaulbronn Monasterynr 1 in the cityCALWGermanyMonastery Ruins Hirsaunr 1 in the cityNEUENBÜRGGermanyNeuenbürg Castle+1Attraction inside