Deutsches Museum "Verkehrszentrum" is one of the branches of the German Museum devoted to the history of land transport. The exhibitions located in the halls of the former Theresienhöhe exhibition grounds present approx. 5,000 exhibits - bicycles, motorbikes, cars, trams and trains. Thematic collections document the development of means of transport from the first models to the present day.
At the exhibition we can see such motoring rarities as the first three-wheel, gasoline-powered car by Carl Benz or the Daimler Reitwagen vehicle from 1885, considered the first motorcycle in history to reach a top speed of 10 km / h. A little faster (15 km / h) was the first German truck Büssing ZU 550 from 1903, capable of carrying a 3-ton load.
One of the museum's main attractions is a group of nearly half a thousand efficient, working vehicles - from the steam engine to the mini scooter for children.
Attractions inside