Science and Industry museum
Local name: Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
Cite des sciences et de l'industrie is the largest museum of technology and science in Europe. Located in the Parc de la Villette in the suburbs of Paris. Built in 1986, the center has several thematic exhibitions related to various aspects of learning about the world around us. The museum has its own planetarium, submarine and three-dimensional cinema. There is also a special area for children.
The museum has been operating since 1986. occupies a modern building designed by the Irish architect Peter Rice. The spacious, somewhat cosmic interiors contain exhibitions about life on earth, optics, forces, energy, mathematics, space, acoustics, genetics and many others. It is a fully multimedia and interactive museum. It is devoid of traditional showcases or exhibitions. Visiting takes place through participation in experiments and performing activities that bring the functioning of specific phenomena closer.
Attractions inside