The Montmartre Museum is located in the oldest house in the district where Renoir, Valadon and Bernard lived, among others. It shows the history of the district as well as its culture and residents. In the Museum you can see paintings, graphics and drawings of such masters as Toulouse-Lautrec, Kupka or Modligiani. There are also rooms dedicated to the history of the cancan, the French cabaret and theaters operating in Montmartre.
The museum was founded in 1960. It is to show the specific atmosphere and culture of the Montmartre district. It was inhabited by artists, representatives of Bohemia and other "free spirits" from the 19th century. Cabarets, small revue theaters and houses of fun operated here.
The museum was located in an old tenement house, which managed to reconstruct the interiors of the turn of the century. The main part of the collection is painting, graphics and drawings of artists creating on Montmartre. They allow you to move into the atmosphere of the decadent world of cabarets, pubs and painting studios. Separate rooms were adapted to show specific phenomena related to the district. There are old cabaret and revue decorations, theater posters, stage costumes and elements of cabaret equipment.
Attractions inside