DenmarkCapital Region of DenmarkBornholmHasleHASLE tourist attractions+2 attractions Hasle tourist mapSee on the mapHasle top attractions Show allnr 1 in the cityHASLEDenmarkVang Granitbrudnr 2 in the cityHASLEDenmarkJons KapelOther categories:MinesCavesHasle Popular in the area(distance from city center)TOPnr 1 in the cityALLINGEDenmarkHammershusTOPnr 1 in the cityGUDHJEMDenmarkØsterlar Churchnr 1 in the cityGLIMMINGESwedenGlimmingehusnr 1 in the cityAAKIRKEBYDenmarkNaturBornholmnr 1 in the cityRØNNEDenmarkBornholms Rovfugleshownr 1 in the citySIMRISHAMNSwedenAutoseum - Nisse Nilsson Collectionnr 1 in the cityNEXØDenmarkBornholm Butterfly Parknr 2 in the cityALLINGEDenmarkHammeren Lighthousenr 2 in the cityGUDHJEMDenmarkBornholm Art Museumnr 1 in the cityYSTADSwedenThe monastery in Ystadnr 2 in the cityYSTADSwedenSt. Mary's Churchnr 2 in the cityNEXØDenmarkDueodde Lighthousenr 3 in the cityALLINGEDenmarkBornholm Technical Collectionnr 1 in the cityKIVIKSwedenKiviks Gravenr 1 in the citySIMRISHAMN NSwedenStenshuvuds National Parknr 3 in the cityGUDHJEMDenmarkBornholm's Medieval Centernr 2 in the cityKIVIKSwedenKiviks Musterinr 4 in the cityGUDHJEMDenmarkDøndalen Waterfallnr 3 in the cityNEXØDenmarkDueodde Beachnr 4 in the cityALLINGEDenmarkMoseløkken Quarry Museum